Hipeastrum for Christmas

not only the poinsettia (Star of Bethlehem) is the Christmas flower There are more, including hellebore (Hel­le­bo­rus), whether the hyacinth (Hyacin­thus). However, in many countries, including in Western Europe, and especially in Scandinavia, poinsettias are beginning to be replaced by Hip­pe­astrum (trade name amaryllis). Especially those with red or white flowers. Red is the traditional colour of Christmas, and white is associated with both Christmas and simply snow and winter.


Why hypeastrum instead of poinsettia? Because it is beautiful, and as it is less sensitive to cold, it causes fewer problems in transport and trade, compared to the very delicate and cold-sensitive poinsettia. I enjoy both tradition and change. That’s why I recommend red or white hypeastrum for Christmas. Perhaps we will soon see our own varieties bred by Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. In fact, we have in our breeding study quite a few beautiful and promising clones created with the hybridHip­pe­astrum×chmie­lii.


For more on this topic, see articles:

Bre­eding Aspects of Selec­ted Orna­men­tal Bul­bous Crops

Eva­lu­ation of the possi­bi­lity of obta­ining via­ble seeds from the cross-bre­eding Hip­pe­astrum ×chmie­lii Chm. with selec­ted cul­ti­vars of Hip­pe­astrum hybri­dum Hort.


Dsc. . Dariusz Sochacki

Independent Department of Ornamental Plants

Institute of Horticultural Sciences

Hippeastrum x chmielii
Hippeastrum x chmielii