Lectures by prof. Pedro Miguel Ramos


  1. Forest Landscapes in Central and South Portugal – Challenges and Opportunities
  2. Building Resilience on a Coastal Mediterranean City – Examples from Metropolitan Lisbon (Portugal)

will be given by Prof. Pedro Miguel Ramos, Departamento dos Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Território (DRAT), Insti­tuto Supe­rior de Agro­no­mia, Lis­boa, Por­tu­gal, pro­wa­dzący bada­nia w zakre­sie kar­to­gra­fii, bota­niki i archi­tek­tury kra­jo­brazu.


30 05 2023


building 37, room 041


Pro­fes­sor was hosted by the Depart­ment of Envi­ron­ment and Den­dro­logy (Insti­tute of Hor­ti­cul­tu­ral Scien­ces) . He gave lec­tu­res to stu­dents of Urban Hor­ti­cul­ture and Arbo­ri­cul­ture, Land­scape Archi­tec­ture and OAFP. The Pro­fes­sor’s visit had a didac­tic and scien­ti­fic pur­pose. Pro­fes­sor Pedro Miguel Ramos Arse­nio has been col­la­bo­ra­ting with Dr Beata For­nal-Pie­niak, Prof. SGGW, for seve­ral years.

Data wydarzenia: 2023-05-30