XIV Inter­na­tio­nal Sym­po­sium on Flo­wer Bulbs and Her­ba­ce­ous Peren­nials 2024 War­saw, Poland

Con­fe­rence website




The XIV Inter­na­tio­nal Sym­po­sium on Flo­wer Bulbs and Her­ba­ce­ous Peren­nials will be held under the auspi­ces of the Inter­na­tio­nal Society for Hor­ti­cul­tu­ral Scien­ces in War­saw, Poland, from 14 to 17 April 2024. This sym­po­sium brings toge­ther scien­ti­sts, bre­eders and experts wor­king on orna­men­tal geo­phy­tes and her­ba­ce­ous peren­nials from the host coun­try Poland and aro­und the World.

​The sym­po­sium will cover topics on:

​​– Pro­pa­ga­tion, cul­ti­va­tion and for­cing

– Flo­wering, post­ha­rvest and sto­rage phy­sio­logy

– Bio­di­ver­sity and gene­tic reso­ur­ces

– Gene­tics, bio­tech­no­logy and bre­eding

– Plant pro­tec­tion

– Using in land­scape and for other pur­po­ses


Flower Bulb 2024
Flower Bulb 2024
Data wydarzenia: 2024-04-14